Textures are pictures that are used to make surfaces look a certain way. They're mostly used in something called Materials. When used in Materials, the texture is placed onto the surface often to make it appear more "life-like" or real.
Textures can be used on any model, but best result can be achieved when the model has properly unwrapped UVs, or is custom made to fit your custom texture.
Please note, textures in HypeHype are still in the Beta stage and some of the process is subject to optimising and changes.
Materials in HypeHype can use Texture sets.
Each texture set uses three textures:
The maximum resolution is currently 512px x 512px.
Try to use tiling textures as much as possible for an effective texturing workflow.
Texture width and height need to be power of 2, for example 128x128 (2^7)
You can use Substance Painter for creating textures, and a proper EXPORT preset for correct texture packaging - here is how it should look like:
Albedo can have Alpha channel, it's just not in use yet.
Heightmap is also in "ORMH" texture alpha channel, but not in use yet.
Please ensure Normal map is in OpenGL format.
You can also pack the channels manually in photoshop.
The "ORMH" stands for Occlusion, Roughness, Metallic, Height, but the texture doesn't need to be named like this on import.
Albedo, normal and surface textures.
Here are steps to importing Textures:
Please Note:
On import you need to add the Albedo texture first alone. Add it as "texture" Then after adding the albedo, press the "textures" button on the left side of screen, and add the rest of the textures.