This node generates a random number between a minimum and maximum value and passes it on to other nodes when needed.
Execute | Executes the node |
↳ On Start | Executes the node at the start of the game |
Enabled | Enable or disable the node. Disabled nodes cannot be executed |
Minimum / Maximum | Minimum and maximum define the range of the generated value. The range is inclusive, meaning that the resulting value may also be equal to the minimum or maximum |
Seed | An initial value that is fed into a pseudorandom number generator. This means, the generated value appears random but is actually deterministic. Using 0 results in a randomly chosen Seed and a non-deterministic result |
Type | Defines the type of the generated value. Float means numbers with decimals (0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3...) Integer stands for whole numbers (0, 1, 2, 3...) |
Output | Sends the generated value to other nodes. If there are multiple outgoing links from this output, they all send the same number |
Output Per Link | Sends a different random number for each outgoing link |
Here's a link to a demo that shows how to use the Random node: