Use the Visibility node to control the visibility of objects based on different gameplay states.
Target | Select the object you'd like to control visibility of |
Execute | Execute the node (this option is hidden if "Automatic" toggle is on) |
↳ On Start | Execute the node at the start of the game (this option is hidden if "Automatic" toggle is on) |
Enabled | Enable or disable the node. Disabled nodes cannot be executed |
Automatic | Automatically execute the node when the game state changes |
Visible on Preview | The target is visible when the HypeHype UI is present |
Visible on Play | The target is visible when playing the game |
Visible on Game End Screen | The target is visible when the Game End pop-up appears |
Visible | If automatic is off, changing this will toggle target visibility on/off |
Hide Only Visual | Hide just the visual of the object or also hide its physical collision |