With the Automatic setting, you can control an object's visibility based on different gameplay states. For example, an object can be visible only during the game preview or when the game ends.
Target | Select the object whose visibility will be controlled |
Execute | Execute the node Available if Automatic is toggled off |
↳ On start | Execute the node at the start of the game Available if Automatic is toggled off |
Enabled | Enable or disable the node. Disabled nodes cannot be executed |
Automatic | Automatically execute the node when the game state changes |
Visible on preview | When enabled, the target object is visible when the HypeHype UI is present, for example when the game is previewed in the feed. Available if Automatic is toggled on |
Visible on play | When enabled, the target is visible when playing the game. Available if Automatic is toggled on |
Visible on game end screen | When enabled, the target is visible when the Game End screen appears Available if Automatic is toggled on |
Only in test play | When enabled, the target is only visible when you are playtesting the game Available if Automatic is toggled on |
Visible | This toggle controls the visibility of the target object Available if Automatic is toggled off |
Only affect model | When enabled, hides the visual model of a physical target object while still allowing it to react to physical events like collisions. When disabled, the target object becomes invisible and does not interact with game physics. |