Add a hinge between two objects with this node. The hinge will be located where the first object is, unless you apply offset to it. Turn the node to change the axis of the hinge.
Attach A | Set the first object attached to the joint, and the position of the joint |
Attach B | Set the second object attached to the joint |
Enabled | Enable or disable the node. Disabling joints during gameplay will break the connection between the two objects and enabling it will reconnect them |
Enable Motor | If enabled, a built-in motor turns the hinge automatically |
Collide Connected | Enables physical collision between the attached objects |
Limit Joint | If enabled, you can set the smallest and biggest angle allowed between the attached objects |
Local Axis | Determines if the joint should be in the Attach A object’s local space instead of global space |
Motor Target Speed | The maximum speed of the motor (aka. the angular velocity target which the motor accelerates to) |
Motor Max Impulse | The acceleration of the motor. The value determines the spinning strength of the motor |
Limit Min / Max Angle | Minimum / maximum angle for the joint’s rotation. Visible if Limit Joint is toggled on |
Offset X / Y / Z | The offset of the joint's position. Set the X, Y & Z offset manually or with other logic nodes |
Here's a link to a demo that shows how to use the Hinge Joint node: