Tracks touch input from the user in screen space, and outputs the data tracked.
Enabled | Enable or disable to node. Disabled Nodes cannot output links or data |
Average Speed & Angle | Calculates the average speed & angle over the duration of touch input |
Relative To Start Position | Determines if the touch move position is relative to the touch start position |
Use Absolute Coordinates |
When enabled, touch coordinates are mapped to device pixel coordinates When disabled, touch coordinates are mapped to custom XY Min/Max range |
Touch Filtering | When enabled ignores movement on under 50ms touches. Touch Start & End positions will be the same |
“On End” When Disable Cancels Touch | When enabled, On End is executed when the node is disabled |
Listen To | Determines which touch inputs the node listens |
On Touch Start | Outputs XY location vector on Touch Start |
On Touch Move | Outputs XY location vector on Touch Move |
On Touch End | Outputs XY location vector on Touch End |
Touch X | Outputted value from X-Axis |
Min/Max Value | Min/Max value on X-axis if Use Absolute Coordinates is off |
Touch Y | Outputted value from Y-Axis |
Min/Max Value | Min/Max value on Y-axis if Use Absolute Coordinates is off |
Touch Angle | Outputs touch angle |
Touch Speed | Outputs the speed of the touch input |
Here's a link to the hype that shows how to implement and use the Screen Touch node: