Change the looks or physics of an object by grabbing these from another object. Set the object to change as the target, and the other one as the source.
Source | Source object |
Target | Target object |
Execute | Executes the node |
↳ On Start | Executes the node at the start of the game |
Enabled | Enable or disable the node. Disabled nodes cannot be executed |
Change Model | If toggled on, executing the node changes the target object's model into the the source objects model |
Change Physical | If toggled on, executing the node changes the target object's physical properties into those of the source object |
Change Colors | If toggled on, executing the node changes the target object's visual materials into those of the source object |
Apply Scale | If toggled on, executing the node changes the target object's scale into the source object's scale |
Pro Tip: Get the correct offset when changing into different sized objects