If you want to use the same logic in multiple places, then it's best to use Functions.
The Function Source is created by adding a Container to a scene and changing the type to Function Source. Once you have a Function Source container, you can create Inputs and Outputs in the Advanced tab, or by tapping the plus icons on both sides of the container (left for inputs, right for outputs).
Remember to name the Function Source container, otherwise it can't be found by the Function Caller.
You can create your own logic inside the Function Source container, and that logic will get executed when the Function Caller is executed.
By default all Function Sources are Global, but you can set them to be Local if needed. Global Function Sources share the data, while Local ones will create an instance for each Function Caller.
Once you have created your Function Source, you can select it as a Reference Object in the Function Caller node.
Function Caller will get the same Inputs and Outputs that were defined for the Function Source.
Once you Execute input in the Function Caller, it will do the logic defined in the Function Source.
Optionally, you can create reader link only functions. Functions will do all operations when the node connected to the Function Caller output is executed.