There are many ways to move objects in HypeHype and this one of them. The Force Node physically moves objects in the game world. Think of it as pushing or pulling the object. The amount of force applied and for how long will determine how quickly the object moves. The Physical Material of objects will determine how much force is needed to move them.
The Force has a direction. The direction is based on the node object’s orientation in the game world. At it's default position the force is pointing straight up, on the Y axis. With the node selected there will be a visible arrow indicating the direction of the force.
Parameters are accessed by selecting the Force component.
Target | The target object the Force is applied to |
Execute | Executes the Node |
↳ On Start | Executes the Node at the start of the Game |
↳ Always | Executes the Node on each frame |
Enabled | Enable or disable the node. Disabled Nodes cannot be executed |
Turning | Determines if the force should turn the target object instead of pushing it forward |
Affect Physical | Determines if the force can affect the object's Physical Node |
Local Force | Determines if the force action should be in the object’s local space instead of global space |
Reset Speed | Resets object’s speed when executed |
Keep Direction | Keeps object movement direction when executed |
Scale with Object | Increase or decrease the force amount based on the scale of the target object |
Amount | Value how much force is applied to the object |
Direction Vector | Input a Vector to set the force direction |
↳ Direction X, Y & Z | Input individual values for the direction vector |
Offset | Input a vector to determine the offset of the force |
↳ Offset X, Y & Z | Input individual values for each axis of offset |
Here's a link to the hype that shows how to implement and use the Force node: