Execute Sphere Cast to check if there is an Object in an area defined by the node's direction, radius and range. Visualization of the sphere's dimensions will be visible when the node is selected.
Attach To | Set a target object to be the source of the Sphere Cast |
Execute | Executes the Node |
↳ On Start | Executes the node when the game starts |
↳ Always | Executes the node on each frame |
Enabled | Enable or disable the node. Disabled nodes cannot be executed |
Local Direction | Makes Sphere Cast's direction be based in the attached Object's direction. |
Local Offset | Makes Sphere Cast's Offset be calculated based in Sphere Cast's direction instead of global coordinates. |
Scale with Object | The Range & Radius increase or decrease based on the scale of the Spawn At target |
All Hits | Return all objects detected instead of just the first |
Group Filter | Determines the Color Groups that this Sphere Cast can hit |
Ignore Filter | Determines the Color Groups that Sphere Cast will ignore |
Radius | Radius of the sphere cast |
Min / Max Range | Determines the range in which Sphere Cast can hit Objects specified by the Group Filter |
Offset X / Y / Z | Determines the offset of Sphere Cast's source |
Type | Determines the detail of the cast sphere |
On Hit Object | When Sphere Cast hits an Object, outputs both the distance from said Object and the Object reference |
Did Hit | Outputs links every frame an object is detected |
Didn't Hit | Output links every frame an object is not detected |
On Hit Normal Vector | Outputs the normal vector of the face of the Object the Sphere Cast detects |