The Timeline Player Node is used to execute a Timeline you have created and distribute the Track outputs to other Nodes or Objects.
Executing | If enabled, Timeline will execute at the beginning of the game | |
Loop Type | None | Timeline does not loop |
Forward | Restart from the beginning when the timeline ends | |
Yoyo | Play the timeline in reverse when it ends | |
Timeline | Select the Timeline the player will use | |
Transform Type | Global | Use the Global Axis to make local transformations to the object |
Local | Use the object orientation to make local transformations to the object | |
Absolute | Use world coordinates to make transformations to the object | |
Speed | Speed at which the cinematic track is played | |
Edit | Tap edit to open the selected Timeline in the Timeline editor |
Object & Animation Tracks require an input Object to work.
Set the object by dragging a link from the Input Property to the object or tap “Set” and choose from available Reusables in your Hype.
Note: It's best and in some cases required to set input objects before you edit the Property Tracks in the Timeline editor.
Number, Vector & Color Tracks can be output to other Nodes or Objects.
Drag a link from the Output to the desired target.
Broadcast Property Tracks do not have an input or output, they simply execute the set Broadcast Signal at the times set in the property track.
Shogun demos the Timeline Tools in this highlight from the weekly HypeHype Live
Note: This demo was recorded using an older version of HypeHype, some menus or features may be a little different in the current version of the ap.