The Wave node puts out a changing number that increases and decreases between two values: the Start & End value and the Middle value. This node is often used to create a back and forth movement with the help of the Mover, Rotator or the Force node.
Give the Wave a smooth or an abrupt start and end by applying different Tween modes.
Stop | Stops the Wave if it is playing & resets it to the start value |
Play | Starts the Wave |
↳ On Start | Starts the Wave when the game loads |
Pause | Pauses the Wave leaving it at its current value. Executing Play after a pause will make the Wave continue from the value it had when it was paused |
Restart | Restarts the Wave from the beginning regardless of what state it is currently in |
Enabled | Enables or disables the node. Disabled nodes cannot be executed |
Loop | When toggled on, the node will keep going infinitely. When toggled off, the node will stop after the first cycle. |
Direction: Forward | Direction for the tween settings. Disable for inverted tween! |
Tween In / Out | Change these settings for example to create a smooth start or end. Tween In affects the output when it shifts from the Start & End value to the Middle value. Tween Out affects the output when it shifts back from the Middle value to the Start & End value. A linear Tween setting changes the Wave node's output value at even intervals. See Tween Types for more |
Duration to / from Middle | Duration of one Wave cycle in seconds. Tip: To make a one way value change set the Duration from Middle to zero |
Start at Time | Offsets the start by this amount, in seconds |
Value Output | Sends the current value of the Wave to other nodes |
Start & End / Middle Value | Set the Start & End value to define where the cycle starts and ends from, and the Middle value to define the peak |
On Loop/End | Sends a signal at each finished cycle |