This node can only be added to an object or node directly.
Multiplayer Control makes it possible to assign logic and actions to only a certain player. The node needs to be added both to the player, as well as to the object or node that the player gets control of.
The “On Player Joined/Left” & “Player Name” output events are based on the player who owns this object, in comparison to the Multiplayer Info that outputs any player’s properties.
Player Indicator | Player indicator is shown at the edges of the screen when there are multiple players |
Display Player Info | Player's name and profile picture is displayed above each player |
Player Index | Player index of the player who owns the object this node is in |
On Player Joined | When the Player who owns this object joins the gameplay session, outputs the Player Index of that player |
On Player Left | When a Player who owns this object leaves the gameplay session, outputs the Player Index of that player |
Player Name |
Outputs the player’s name who owns this object when executed Linking to a Text node works by “Select Text by Index” |