Reusables are objects with or without logic that can be used many times throughout your game. Reusables menu provides easy access to items you'll need often.
From the build menu you can add new instances of a Reusable to your game or find and edit the original Reusable Container. Edits made to the container will automatically be applied to all instances of the Reusable in your game.
For more information on creating and working with Reusables check the Reusable Containers entry.
You can add new things to the item slots from the Asset Library by tapping the green plus. If you add premade reusables directly to the scene from the Asset Library, they will also appear here.
Add new things to the scene from the Build menu by dragging, or by selecting the reusable and then tapping on the screen. Activate the Delete mode and you can quickly remove things by tapping them.
💡What's the difference between a Reusable and a Premade? Premades are assets with built-in logic, ranging from ready-made players and enemies to moving platforms, hazards and collectibles. Any premade - or a visual model, for that matter - can be stored into the Build menu for quick access. This is when these assets become Reusables. When you drag or tap on the screen to add an object to the scene, you create new instances of a Reusable*.* Instances share the looks and the properties of the original item.
You can make new reusables of models (with or without logic attached to them), or of other reusables.
The item appears in the Build menu, and you can quickly create new instances of it:
Change the looks or the physics of one instance, and the changes are applied to all the other instances as well:
To edit a reusable, either tap the pen icon on a selected Build menu slot, or select an instance and tap the pen icon in the Details panel. This reveals the Reusable Container. When you make changes in the reusable container, all the instances of the reusable will be affected.
![]() Edit button in the Build Menu |
![]() Edit button in the Details Panel |
![]() Reusable container |
Duplicate a reusable container if you want create a new reusable of an existing one. Edit the base object, or change the logic:
Select a Reusable Container and tap Hide to hide the container. Tap Delete to get rid of the reusable and all its instances.