Logic Nodes are the visual scripting tools used by creators to create the logic that runs their game.
The Node Library holds all available Nodes and is organized into 11 different categories.
The Node library is opened when you tap Add Node from the Logic Panel of the Toolbar or when you tap the plus icon at the bottom of the Advanced Details Panel.
Actions | Nodes that create action like movement |
Audio | Nodes that control audio like Music & Sound Effects |
Base | Control basic properties of objects like visual and physical settings |
Joints | Connect objects together with different physics joints |
Logic | Nodes that store values, do math or other calculations |
Meta | Nodes that control meta elements of your game like Score & Leaderboard |
Multiplayer | Nodes for creating multiplayer games |
Rotations | Nodes related to rotation of objects |
Triggers | Nodes that are mainly used to execute other Nodes |
Vectors | Nodes related to working with vectors |
Visual | Nodes that control visual elements of your game like like particle effects or UI |