Game design is the process of creating the content, rules, mechanics, and overall structure of a game. It involves a combination of creativity, technical skills, and some understanding of player psychology.
There are many factors that determine the success of your game. We'll cover some of the most important things to consider to give your game the best chance of delighting your players and climbing the top charts.
Discussing retention teqhniques & game design improvements from creator submitted games.
From knockout Hit Trials Obby, Super Golf to Competition special prize winner Ninjitsu.
Twice a month, our in-house HypeHype Editor Gurus @Shogun & @JOP are joined by @Kevin W, our Game Experience Specialist.
They playtest community submitted games and provide feedback and recommendations. If you want to see your games featured, be sure head on over to our Discord Server and submit yours in the #show-your-game channel.
These sessions are a great opportuntity to get involved and interact with the team, flex your creative muscles by immersing yourself in game design techniques and get tips, tricks and best practices when designing your games.