Combine 2 rotations and output the resulting rotation.
Commonly used to provide rotation values to the Advanced Rotator.
Execute | Executes the node |
↳ On Start | Executes the node at the start of the game |
Enabled | Enable or disable the node. Disabled nodes cannot be executed |
Operator | Choose the math operation used to combine Rotation 1 & Rotation 2 |
Rotation 1 | Input a rotation from another node such as the Axis Angle |
Rotation 2 | Input a rotation from another node such as the Axis Angle |
Tween | Set the tween type *Only available if Operator is set to Tween |
Weight | The desired place in-between the two rotations. 0 = Rotation 1, 1 = Rotation 2, 0.5 = the halfway point between Rotations 1 & 2 *Only available if Operator is set to Tween |
Value Output | Send the calculated rotation to other nodes |