Both See Others and Custom Multiplayer modes allow you to tweak how each player will look during game play. The easiest tweak is assigning to each player a random character at the game start.
You can also give characters some accessories, or ensure that no other player will have the same look during a session. The final touch is saving the character so that returning players will have the same look as last time they've played.
These guides do not cover building an inventory or a skin shop.
Follow these instructions to assign different characters to players. In the See Others mode it's quite easy to set the character at random, although the same character may be assigned to many players. In the Custom MP mode, it's equally easy to randomize the looks or assign each player a specified character.
Tap the second tab to see the instructions for the Custom MP mode!
The Selector chooses a model at random at the start of the game. Each model has a 25% chance. To adjust the probabilities, tap Edit again and change the values of the cases.
Set up the basic player spawning logic by following these instructions on the page that introduces the Custom MP mode.
When executed, the Selector will pick a model at random. Each model has a 25% chance. To adjust the probabilities, tap Edit again and change the values of the cases.
Follow the playtest instructions on the page that introduces the Custom MP mode.
It's easy to tweak this example to give every player an unique look by changing the Selector mode to Number Selector:
In this example, The Player Index is sent to the Selector's Value input. Player 0 gets the character defined in Case 0, Player 1 gets Case 1 and so on.