Tilesets. 3D Tilesets or tiles are assets that you can expand tile by tile. Tilesets are great for making walls, platforms, roads and much more. It's a bit like painting: once you've added some tilesets from the Asset Library, open the Tiles Editor and tap or drag to change the shape of the tileset.
The tileset is treated like a single object: you can move, scale or rotate it - but the cool thing is, you can select it again at any time and keep adding or removing individual tiles.
Adding new tilesets is easy: open the Asset Library and navigate to the Tiles tab.
The Tileset will appear in your game as a single tile. Change the visual material and other properties in the Details panel.
Tapping the Paint icon in the Details Panel or in the Tiles tab will open the Tileset Editor.
All the tilesets in your game can be found in the Tiles tab of the Build Menu. Tapping an item slot in the Tiles tab will also take you to the Tileset Editor.
You can add new tiles and delete existing ones in the Tileset Editor.
Note: you will need to hold the tap for a moment before dragging to paint new tiles.
Tap the trashcan icon to enter delete mode.
While in delete mode tapping or painting will remove tiles. Local undo and redo allows you to fix any mistakes you make. Some tilesets also have variation to add a more organic feel to your overall look.
Most Tilesets can be painted in 3D.
To exit paint mode tap the back arrow in the bottom left or, if you entered paint mode through the build menu, you can just deselect the active tileset
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