One fantastic way to make your game standout is by creating unique playable characters in HypeHype.
By combining readymade assets and utilizing attachment techniques for seamless integration and animation, your only limitation is your imagination.
Combining different, ready-made assets is a powerful way to make your games look unique in HypeHype. This example introduces how to make a playable custom character but you can use this technique to make whatever you desire: from spaceships to NPCs and amusement park rides.
You'll get to practice attaching objects: it's the trick that ensures all necessary parts stick together when the asset moves during game play.
Open the Asset Library and head to the premades section. Select a playable character. Add also a model - like a hat.
Place the hat on top of the character’s head. Remember you can move objects on one axis by using the colored handles. Scale and turn the hat with the gizmo until the hat is the right size and in the right angle.
Moving things precisely in 3D space can be tricky. Test different snapping options, or try to align things on an axis. To align, select the objects, and tap Align Positions. When aligning a player and a hat, you might want to toggle on Same X and Same Z. The Ratio slider lets you choose how precisely the objects are aligned.
Press the attach icon of the hat and drag a link to the playable character. Select the bone that the hat should stick to: for a hat, you need to select the head.
If you selected the wrong bone, don’t panic! There’s two ways to change the bone:
Playtest the character: now the hat should bob along with the character!
You can test further by changing the character’s animation:
If the hat doesn’t move right, tinker with the position of the hat, or select a different bone.
If you change the base model of the player by tapping the preview picture in the Details panel, you get to choose whether to keep the attached objects or discard them.
The Ferris Wheel in the HypeHype game My Theme Park was created from telephone poles, industrial frames, display boxes and more.
The object you attach things to is called the parent. The attached parts are called children.
When you have several attached objects in place, it may be difficult to select the parent. To target the parent, tap Attach - Select parent.
If you need to disconnect an attached object, tap Attach - Detach from parent.
You can also select all the attached objects at once. To do this: Select the parent object - tap Attach - Select all children.
Pro Creator Tip!
If you can't find the exact asset you need, use your imagination! Could a boat look like a shoe? Or if you need arm hair for a monster, maybe grab a tuft of grass and turn it black?