The HypeHypeh Asset library contains all the various elements used to build and populate your game world. They can be anything from 3D models, sounds, particle effects to game background music.
Learn more about Working with Assets
Here's how to easily use the asset library within HypeHype. From basic navigation of the categories currently available, to searching for a specific item and bookmarking your favourites.
There are different actions you can take while in the Asset Library, besides scrolling the different sections.
Firstly, you can change the view from list to grid, and vice versa, by tapping the button in the image below. This button does not appear in the Discover tab, but it will show in all other categories.
Know exactly what you need? Or maybe you just need a certain category to get inspired? Look no further, the search bar is your best friend!
Type what you are looking for and different options will appear. You can further narrow your search by selecting a category after searching.
If you are unsure of what you are looking for, no problem! You can search different keywords, such as "nature", and find all assets tagged with this word.
To favorite an asset, tap on it to expand its description. There will be a button on the right, under the plus symbol, where you can bookmark it and add it to the Favorites category for easier access.
There are different categories to make searching for assets easier. For example, if your game is missing some background ambiance, go to the Music tab where you will find several options to choose from.
For more information on each category, visit our documentation.