Making your own games has never been easier with absolutely zero coding experience needed!
HypeHype is a new revolutionary way to create, remix and play games on your phone.
Get started instantly and bring your game ideas to life!
Make Your First Game
New to HypeHype? > Download from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store or Desktop.
Create a unique “Blocky” multiplayer game, learn new editing skills & techniques, and connect or co-create together with an amazing creator community. Submit your game by March 30th for a chance to be featured and win prizes.
Build a full multiplayer (MP) game in which the players share the physical game world.
Now you can easily share your game with your fans right from within your game!
We've added support for material textures & Early Access Status!
Our Game Developer Comp is back with new rules and chances to WIN BIG!
Follow along as we create a game & discuss game design and nodes.
Reach level 10 in your game to be eligible to include HypeX transactions.
Need some Editor help? Try out our new experimental ChatGPT AI helper currently in BETA.