Making your own games has never been easier with absolutely zero coding experience needed!
HypeHype is a new revolutionary way to create, remix and play games on your phone.
Get started instantly and bring your game ideas to life!
Pathfinding can be used to make objects navigate around obstacles and follow the player in a game level.
You can adjust pathfinding settings to manually set start and end positions to create a pathfinding area for smarter NPCs.
Transitioning from Unity to HypeHype involves understanding the differences in file storage, resource panels & behaviors.
We discuss the main differences and how to get started & make use of our huge library of premade assets.
There's Pixart UI updates, 3 new nodes, in-app help pop ups and so much more!
Need some Editor help? Try out our new experimental ChatGPT AI helper currently in BETA.
Learn how to add images to your UI using the Pixart Editor & the UI Node.
How and why you want to implement player save settings into your game.
Reach level 10 in your game to be eligible to include HypeX transactions.