The purpose of this page is to let experienced Unity game developers get familiar with the creation process and features of the HypeHype Editor.
For a basic overview of creating games with HypeHype, please see our Editor Overview.
In this video we discuss how game developers that use Unity can make games in HypeHype faster.
Transitioning from Unity to HypeHype game development involves understanding the differences in file storage, resource panels and behaviors along with advantages such as camera toggling and a timeline editor for creating animations.
There are no project files in HypeHype. Each game project contains all assets and logic and is saved to your account in the cloud. You find all your created projects from your HypeHype profile page.
Unity | HypeHype |
Inspector | Details Panel |
Prefab | Reusable |
Game View | Playtest |
Components | Behavior |
Hierarchy Panel | Hierarchy |
Console | Playtest Log |
Coding/scripting in HypeHype is done with visual scripting and these are the building blocks of components.
Everything used to create games in HypeHype is made up of Assets.
This includes primitive shapes, character models to premades and sounds.
You can of course Import your own custom Assets.
You can't create empty game objects directly in HypeHype unlike Unity. What you can do is import any model into the scene and make it invisible. After that you could for example use the object as the Spawn At target in the spawner node.
There are no empty objects in HypeHype.
What you can do is import any model into the scene and make it invisible.
You can use any object as the Spawn At target in the Spawner Node. Spawn at target would be the position where the spawner spawns new objects into the scene.
Reusables are similar to prefabs and can include game logic. These are used to create multiple instances to be re-used much like a prefab.
A behavior works by attaching or associating a script that can be used to extend the logic of an object. Behavior and reusables can have inputs similar to parameters set in the Unity Inspector Panel.
Currently there is no custom scripting within HypeHype. Logic and behaviors are connected much like visual scripting.
Be sure to view our Working with Reusables and Behaviors page for a more detailed explaination.
Nodes are the core building block for no code creating. There are a wide variety of Nodes, and each has a specific function or job. By combining Nodes together you can build just about any type of game mechanic you can dream up.
In Unity game can be paused to change values dynamically in runtime.
This is not currently possible in HypeHype, however, we have various debug tools available.
You have only one camera active at any time similar to Unity. Enabling a particular camera deactivates all other cameras in the scene.
In contrast to Unity, HypeHype camera also has built-in functionality for following targets and world limits.
In Unity you have a Timeline tool to create object/world/camera animations, supported by extra packages like Cinemachine that gives you additional control and tools on how to manipulate camera for example.
In HypeHype, we have Timelines and Timeline Player. HypeHype editor allows you to create timelines which are animation tracks for objects like camera, or values, colors even broadcasts and character animations.
You could use Timeline Player to play a particular timeline track to create in-game cinematics and alike.